Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sexy Surfers - MORE Magazine


Cat said...

I'm 43, in law school and live in Florida. I want to learn to surf, but am out of shape from going back to school to get my A.A., B.A. and now working on my J.D. Any advice on things I can do to get myself into shape specifically for surfing? I've tried to learn before, but haven't stood up on a wave yet. I have an 8 foot board to learn on, I've taken lessons, but I think it's mostly I just get too winded and tire out too quickly. I have asthma and just not in shape like I was before I went back to school. I used to play a lot of tennis back then.

I saw your article and it was inspiring. Some days I just feel like I'm falling apart with aches, pains and being out of shape. I have a month off before I go back for my second year and want to do something during that month for my health.

Heather Hiett said...

Hi Cat,
Thanks for the comment & sorry it's been so long! Anything that builds cardio capacity is good...obviously swimming is a great choice. Surfing is exhausting, so give yourself time to build your wind and strengthen your arms and core. Though not as good for cardio, yoga helps with balance. I take a lot of dance classes when not in the water.
Best wishes with law school and surfing!